

who read the above contents should know the teacher talked about the age to the series, but I insist that it is non children’s age, so when it occurred to aims draw such illustrations, I think the children play out like playing booger this action is very interesting.


Because the series protagonist is MR W, so long as the protagonist is all hope that he can play a little longer, so I drew this picture, but because the text is less, so I joined the cactus assistant, help with the opposition. Their expressions I refer to the following figure.

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This picture is for painting, no reason.


Because the next content is the role of the design and presentation, so I put the role of height chart in the role of the title of the place. But the middle one is empty and the characters are not colored, so it looks rather boring. I thought, the height line is just like the blinds, so make it a shutter.

images (4).jpg

cover+title page+directory


Cover: to tell the truth in the design book, I really have no idea of the cover. In fact, the protagonist of the series to take the name, I do not know what is called good, because my surname Wei, so I let the protagonist called Mr W. Accidentally, I found that M and W are all upside down, so I want to take W as in the shadow of M, and the R shape is like the people, so its reflection painted protagonist like, should be very interesting for the collocation of color, I also according to their own preferences to collocation. I hope to add a feeling of mystery. The gray lines were the sketches I drew at one time, and the black ones were later trimmed, and they were the subject matter and shadow. This complex feeling, here are some cover I tried.


Actually, I was thinking about the most complicated thing, and I spent a lot of time painting the background of those small tools. But I later think the picture is too spent, or simply a little better, so I still use the first of the first.


The title page: after all drew long gadgets, so even if the cover is not used, but also hope that their effort is not wasted, so it is used as a title, as for the MR W white head why, it is because I love to use the AI button vector, so the design of the white figure.As for the background gadget reference map is the following figure20111223155157.jpg下载.jpg下载.png



Directory: because my hero is a scientist, so everywhere about the experiment pictures, hope to get inspiration, then I saw this picture, it was really very love this feeling, as I mentioned before I love AI vector very buckle.}_UB)%Q`{C`7GYK3~B6DAPQ.png

So I drew a sketch of this picture.


Then according to this sketch, buckle the vector on the front of the catalog. Then insert the text, because the text itself is still quite a lot, and there are long dotted lines, so I thought, why not draw MR W mouth spit out the text of these directories. Combined with the identity of MR W scientists, while in order to enrich the screen, so I painted bacteria. Reference figure is below this.CJ3~{J@0D_{@MI(TRI7[W`B.png

Scenes & pictures of TV series

1.Because the soldier is hard working , he want to do his best to help his country. I draw this picture.


2. In the beginning, I want to design a square in the town center. And there must has a statue in the square. The  statue is this town’s hero. He just use a branch to fight with the enemies and finally protect the villagers. This statue is not only a hero, but a symbol of courage.


3. The cover of Mr W.  I find M’s shadow is W, so I make use of this point.封面-恢复的-恢复的.jpg

4. the soldier has many prices, but only about peace and work, he really wants to go into a war. So I design the price of peace and work for him.


5.Because Mr W is a brilliant scientist, he must has the photo of be awarding.


6.Mr w’s lab, many crazy things, filled with mysteries.

场景 实验室02.jpg

7. I  walked in the park, found a mother , her son and a dog. The tree near them is really interesting, different from other trees. The little boy stood on the tree’s low branch, the dog ran and jumped, the mother smiled. So warm in the winter~~ So I want to add it in my TV series. The old woman and the robot dog.

This is my first drawing, I think it is too colourful, not my style, so I change it into the second one.

树 (2).jpg


8.After the lessons , I find the trees, the colors of their leaves are really nice. I remind of Mr W, he is brilliant but lonely , I think this beauty is the most suitable for his house. So I draw these leaves outside Mr W’s house.  叶子.jpg


feedback of TV series and film.

First, the teacher think the robot dog has a twinned neck will be better.

Second, about episode synopsis, add a little more details. For example, Mr W make other things about old woman. But the old woman doesn’t like them until he make a dog and she likes it…

Third, the teacher asked me what’s the age of the film. I said that is for children. The teacher suggested to change some words. For example the dog shit can be dog poo or dog muck.


Episodes–TV series

The first story: the robot boy

The botany professor really want to change their lazy child, otherwise they do not want to admit the lazy boy is their child. They send their child to the Mr W, hope he can change him.  Mr W reform the little boy into a hardworking robot. His parents really happy. They hold a birthday party and invite many medias coming. They want  to show off their robot boy. But the robot  accidentally lose parts, act in a chaos. The parents think their child be a shame, so give up him and send the boy to the Mr W be a robot assistant.

The second story: lonely old woman

The old woman feel really lonely and want to have company. She go to find Mr W, Mr W give her a robot dog and the only requirement is the dog should go for a walk everyday to charge. Once, the old woman walk with thee robot dog, the dog meet a new robot dog. They become a good friend. Because of the new robot dog, the old woman meet an old man. Two old people become real friends.

The third story: the world’s most powerful monster

In an early morning, a unfamiliar man knock on the door of the W Mr.  He tell Mr W that he is an officer of neighboring countries. He want Mr W to help him creat one of the world’s most powerful combat monsters. W Mr for his quiet life, had to help him create the world’s most powerful monster and help him win the war. The monster do win the war, but  the monster is so hungry after , he eat all the soldiers and the officer.

The fourth story: endless money

Greedy businessman break into Mr W’s house, steal the money pot machine . The money pot can make endless money, it will be a big trouble. But Mr W is not worried about that.The greedy businessman uses the money to sign many business agreements. But the money become leaves next day. The man can not afford the heavy debt,choose to suicide.
The fifth story: the smart brain

The middle-aged person still study in the primary school and can not pass the exams, because he is not clever. He want to suicide, Mr W help save him and reform him. Mr W give him an additional smart brain. It really help him. But he passing by a square, many doves eat his brain.

The sixth story: Star
The famous movie star come to find Mr W. She use both of her property to beg Mr W give her an ageless face. Mr W agree  her requirement. But when the audience find the star will not be old, they begin to say the star is a monster. They don’t like her any more. She is abandoned by the audience.

The seventh story: robot parents

The orphan really want to have a whole family. Mr W create robot father and robot mother for him. The robot parents working late everyday and give the orphan may rules and homework. If little boy not follow them, they will be angry and prohibit him go out. The little boy don’t want to this family and choose flee away.





Feedback TV Series

I try to recall what teacher pete said to me ,because yesterday my house didn’t have the Internet, my new house lord forgave to recharge.

First, my TV Series ages is 18 – 25, it is abnormal, So he suggested me to change it,  so I change it into 16+, because i think it is suitable for the adult.


Second,I gave pete to see my map of TV series, and said it make him remember Saul Steinberg. I don’t know this people, so I search him.map04.jpg





I really like his style, so i will keep this style, use it in the scene.

about the story of Mr W, Pete gave me two inspirations.

First, old people feel lonely and need company,need friends. Mr W create a robot dog which is clever for the old people. But you must take dog for a walk to have good exercise. when the old woman walling her dog, her dog makes friends with an old man’s dog. In the end, they become real friends. ♥ I really like this warm story.


Second story,  Mr W make a mistake, the roof be broken, when he was fixing the roof, he find giant spider run away. They make a web everywhere. Because of spiders escaping, they make many troubles to the villagers…IMG_6967.JPG

I think Pete try to tell me, when I make up a story, I should create a mistake and try to solve it, it can make the story more interesting. Get it!


map–TV series

I think my TV series should have a map, I think much about the Mr W’s world. It should be big and colorful, I mean that the world should have many kinds of people and countries and villages. In the map there are  2 countries, but I only draw the edge between these 2 countries. So there are some villages. I even design two countries’ national flags.map00.jpg

I try to make my draft have clear lines, in the beginning, I want to make this picture to be the final map, but i think it too normal, so i add something.


The background is really important, i think it is really better than before. I only draw the lights ,and the blue light is Mr W’s house. It can make his house be more and more unique.map02.jpg

My classmates give me some advices, why don’t I make my map looks have ages? She gave me some help and i searched some reference pictures.


The final mapmap04.jpg

TV series (age,style,synopsis,length,characters)

1.age:18-25  16+ of Animation : 2D

3.synopsis for show:

There is no big difference between the modern world,only fantasy things are easier to exist. The town people all know each other, care about each other.  Mr W live at the junction of forests and small town, it is hard for the courier to find a place. He is a brilliant scientist in a corner of the town.he can make anything you can think of and can’t think of. He helps good men, also helps bad guys, as long as you give him what he wanted. No one knows his name and ages exactly. Everyone called him Mr. W. For example, he can create parents for orphans, he can also give the army a strong fire-breathing monster, he can also give greedy people a saving pot which always vomit money… But maybe the results will be surprising, the parents will quarrel, monster need a lot of food, also including people in the food, the broken saving pot will not be able to use and the desire for money, never stop… Novel things are happening every day.

4:length of episodes: 11  minutes * 14 episodes, 2 episodes=1 small story

5:main characters:

Mr W:main character design — TV series

Mr W is good and also evil, the town’s people and he are good friends. It is said that he was a very important to country X, he involved in many highly classified experiments. But he never obeyed others’ commands, just do what he want, he is a headache people to the country. He cannot be used by the state, but he has the excellent talent. X country is afraid of him to do things for other countries, so ban he doing the experiments, and want to imprison him. So he hide in A town, many people try to find him. His favorite is cactus, hate worms.

6:secondary characters:

  • orphan:

Infant boy was abandoned by their parents in the A town’s fishing port, is discovered by the kind town people, grew up by eating town people’s food. Always like to make troubles, envy with children who have parents. No parents make him feel inferior to himself, not happy, so difficult to express his temper often, doing mischief.orphan00.jpgorphan01.jpgorphan02.jpgorphan03.jpgorphan04.jpg

  • father:

Mr W manufacture experiment, has the sense of responsibility, working overtime every day.

  • mother:

Mr W made experiment, industrious, do the housework every day.机器人夫妻00.jpg机器人夫妻01.jpg机器人夫妻02.jpg

  • monster:

Mr W manufacturing monsters in the experiments, the body is huge, can fly, can spray fire, can produce poisonous gas, but the appetite is astonishing.monster00.jpgmonster01.jpgReference pictures:

In people’s normal view, monster could be dragon, sake, why can’t it be bird? By the way, this bird which is in the pictures is really nice.

  • sodier:

Z country’s officers, hope try his best for his country, work hard, but the country doesn’t pay attention to him. At the time of retirement, he was appointed to participate in a major battle. He knows the present conditions cannot defeat the enemy, but regardless, insist on a declaration of war. He used his own life in exchange for requesting Mr W to create a powerful monster for him.soldier00.jpgsoldier01.jpgsoldier02.jpg

  • greedy man:

Did some small business when he was young businessman, business failure, his friends and family left him,because of this. Owe a lot of money, from creditors around, life is not good, so money means everything to him.

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  • saving pot:

Mr W made the saving pot many years ago.Because Mr W has no concept of money, so it has been put in the lab at the corner of the warehouse, then give it to a greedy person stolen by the greedy man. The saving pot does not need to save money, it can produce money. But the saving pot is made of a rare material, very easy to broken. It once broken will disappear in the air. the money will be fake next day.69d58PICxAi_1024.jpgsaving pot00.jpgsaving pot01.jpgsaving pot02.jpgsaving pot03.jpg

  • lazy boy:

Parents are often appear on newspaper and TV.They are famous professors, but the little boy is lazy, can’t study hard, can’t work hard. His parents care about personal face very much. so they sent the lazy boy to Mr W and accept making reformed experiments on their boy. Although he is lazy but kind, admire Mr W very much. Mr W converted him into a hard-working robot.

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  • frustrated man:

Although uncle is middle-aged, but he is still studying in the primary school grade. Because the test has been failed so have not been able to graduate, become school children’s laugh. His life is full of despair, came across Mr W when he was suiciding. Mr W let him become into elementary school age and gave him an extra brain, became clever.

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  • star:

she has experienced a lot of hidden rules in the entertainment field, much efforts, is eager for success. She is the famous big star, but can’t change the fact of aging. Young stars also began to not put her in the eye, so she wants to keep youth forever.star00.jpgstar01.jpgstar02.jpg

  • grandmother:old woman

When she was young,she worked hard and took care of her family, now she has a happy family, but become more and more weak, have fear of death, want to enjoy life more, live longer.  Her family only have her now,she feel really lonely.


  • robot dog

Mr W create this robot dog for lonely old man. But you have to go for a walk with it to exercise and charge it.


  • old man

His family only have him now,he feel really lonely.

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  • post man: 

He is hardworking, he try his best to make sure every post box be put in the right place.丁四00.jpg丁四01.jpg丁四02.jpg丁四03.jpg丁四04.jpg丁四05.jpg丁四06.jpg丁四07.jpg


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