final book arrive


I really like my book.

Print in china, really will have much unknown problems. Does it will arrive in the UK on time and is there any problems on the book? And if there is something i am not satisfied, it will have no time to reprint.

But it is cheaper than printing in the UK. For example, my classmates who printed in the UK, he payed 40 pounds each book. I printed 2 books and much more pages than his and including the deliver fee only need fewer than 30 pounds.

print in China

Contact the seller on Taobao, agreed size, paper material, etc., determine the price, and then confirm the mailing address, just fine.

you will find wow! only print a book, there are so many paper choices for you. Because i really know less of paper, so i choose the normal print paper, the first pictures of the following pictures.


For myself, i like read small book, because it is easy for me to bring. So i choose 148*210 mm.


I choose the film coating. Now i am regretting, why didn’t i pay some money to do stamping process!

————-big trouble!

First trouble,

Because this term, we think about the TV series, so i think about the layout is not in the beginning. so i put 10 pictures one PDF. But the print shop and teacher said we only need one PDF.63GQIRD@2QFN5BJ_9AE_`CC.png

So i have to combine PDF.


But the software which can combine the PDF need money. Two of our classmates bought this software, each of us give them one pound to combine the PDF.

Second trouble,


look at my red lines… there is nothing into it. when i give the PDF to the printer, he asked,  you do nothing into the red lines! OMG! I can’t cut, there will have problem. He asked me to make the pictures bigger, but i try, i can’t do that , some design will be cut. I leave the white paper rather than cutting my design.

By the way, this is my first time to print something, so i really don’t know about the rules of red lines. Now, of course i remember.

So i promise the printer if the book have white lines around the pictures, i will not give them bad remark.

Finally he try his best, the print is perfect, no white lines. Thanks to you.


By the way, the homework request don’t need the game, but i add it. ‘FIND MR W’S HOUSE’ i really like play such games with my friends when i am a child. So i design the game,  i hope the people who read the book can try to find mr w’s house. In the TV series’ plot , mr w’s house is difficult to be found.

lazy boy+orphan



Because the robot boy is the conversion between humans and robots, so I immediately thought of the following reference map.1163643357427.jpg



This picture I want to draw orphans lying along the wall, do not know readers can not see.



In the process of communication with the students Amber, it referred to the dove I like painting. I am very happy to know my character is painted, even a small dove. So I decided to use dove to do card.


This reference picture needless to say also know which.



This figure I want to play mosaic and mosaic how many big try many times, finally feel so best.


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