Today i am busy with the submission.

I have to say i have a clear and good plan today, but! It not be finished. Because of the film’s format.

In the beginning, this is my plan: First, go to school before 11.30. Second, go to get the DVD and its case, and use the poster to design the DV cover. Third, print the poster, the DV cover. Forth, ask Mario about the format, make sure of anything is ok. Final, submit anything. Then come home to write more things on my working blogs.

But my plan stopped, because of the format.  At first i choose quicktime, then H264. It is right. But another format i choose quicktime, then uncompressed format. It is really big. My film has almost 20GB. So I go to ask Mario. Because the DVD only has 4GB. Mario finds i does not have the code named animation. But finally i find i have, because it is in chinese and my english is not good, there will have some misunderstanding. Then i choose to come out the animation format. It has 28GB. I can not believe my eyes. By the way, PR stops working during waiting. So i try twice.  When Mario takes me to get the frame of the poster, i ask my curiousy. Mario said it is ok, big or small it depends on the files. But almost one afternoon has passed.

Luckily, i have finished all.



58T{)J(U%VK`D(R5MN[B8RR.pngBut!!!!! The fast folder also closed, when i finished them. I am afraid tomorrow the time for me to update my film to the school will need much time. Because One video is almost 28 GB.


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