My short film finally finished

My short film finally finished, my year in this university finished. I have many touching things to say:(AKQGW7DQ}56(YRLJIZJEIN

I have to say this short film gave me a lot.  I learned many things in China, and the final year i go to this university. In the beginning, i think this will not help me a lot. But when i view back what i have done in the university, the most busy, precious, meaningful time is this year in the University of Central Lancashire.]7R8J(0KWRG$GE{G5ANNHP9

In china, our class students’ drawing level is not good than other classes. At the same time, one teacher should teach more than 100 students, so we are not be payed attention to. And the way of teaching is not open, the school does not give enough study materials, sources, rooms for students, even it is a good university in China. But it still has some interesting and helpful teachers there, for example, Longjuanjuan teacher. But she is busy. So the teachers like Mario and Pete is really good for us. They gave us a lot advice. And the school although it is small but it really helps students a lot to finish their works.By the way, i really like the sports center, when i am not busy, i often go to that place to have Zumba lessons (a healthy dancing). And it is free. That makes me relax when i am busy on the deadlines.

This film and the last term’s book give me a lot. How to make a plan and follow the plan. Modify works repeatedly, experience many troubles and try to solve these troubles by teachers, classmates, friends, Internet and myself.

My friend ( Amber Zhao ) is really a good ‘friend teacher ‘ for me. She knows much more things than me and has a good taste of pictures. Her advice often make me have a big improvement. My friend ( Cecilia Feng),  she also has a different meanings for me. We often study together. For example, yesterday, we were up all night in the library to study. Her company makes me work hard. You know, fight a battle lonely is really terrible and difficult. She is my ‘allied forces’. Both of them are important parts on my works this year.

This is a really good year, really busy year, really meaningful year. Thanks to them, thanks to my families and thanks to you.


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