Voice acting

Originally, i let Pete Gallagher to be my voice over, because i think Small Pete’s voice is warm, clear and a little bit sad. So I invited him to be my voice acting. He is happy to agree. I really like his voice. We went to the Animation Sound Studio to record the voice. And Nathan come to help us to record. When we test the voice, there are some voice need to imitate mother’s voice and grandfather’s voice. Small Pete thought he is not good at this part, so he invited Nathan to try. When we did these things, we didn’t know my voice will be changed in the future.


One day, Big Pete came to see my works, he found Nathan’s voice is better than small Pete. He gave me an advice to change small Pete’s voice into Nathan’s voice. But i think maybe it is not good. Because Nathan is also busy with the deadline. But kind Nathan agree to be my new voice acting.

when small Pete be my voice, my voice is just the important plots’ voice over. Small Pete and big Pete all modified it.IP_JX$FJ}SA%V%4])FSWSB7.jpgGZKL~5KU%@I8PK}[4)53EUF.jpg


But i find Big Pete also can not understand my plotafter watching the film. So i got Amber’s advice, Maybe I should keep talking when the plot going. So I write a new voice over. Amber and Nathan modified it for me. Especially Amber, she added many interesting details for the voice over. We went to the Animation Sound Studio again, Amber and Cecilia came with me. This time, Nathan is the voice acting and Dec is the person who recording the voice.


After the recording of voice over, I found, the animation is not enough, so i draw many new plots and details to accord with the voice over. Really tired.

Using different ways to finish one film

The main character Overwhelmed by a “phantom itch” from his missing pinky toe,  and this missing toe occupied almost all the life of the main character. He wanted to find his missing toe, but in the end he found the things and people around him are much more important than that missing toe. This short film try to show a topic: a man must come to terms with his situation or succumb completely to his obsession.

This film’s color, scenes design and characters designs are really exquisite. Why i want to research it, because it use many ways to show the animation. 2D and Stop motion. And the combination is really good. We always should remember that the ways of making film is not important, the most important is how to make the animation’s plot looks good.

WOW, it is really amazing! There are so many styles in this one film, and you do not feel they are strange in this film. Because each style all suitable for each plot. How many styles you can find in this film? This film, sometimes the characters are made of paper, sometimes they are made of wood, sometimes they are 2D, soetiomes they are Origami… And even they are made of the same way, they have different styles and designs. But the pictures are really beautiful. I think one animator should try different way to make films, because when you in charge of all the ways, your film’s plot will not be limited by the technology.

If i studied Animation next year, i want to try make the main character be made of stop motion’s materials, for example wood. The scenes be made of paper and the emotions on the characters be drawn by painting on the computer. I think it will be really interesting to do the film like this.

My showreel

I try to find all the animation i did to make this showreel.




I used this music to be my showreel’s background music. Because i think the music has a young power, people listen to this music will also have power.

I cut it and made the final sound of it gradually be lower, lower, lower and none in AU.


Because the teacher only required one minute showreel. I added the animation and music in PR.


This is the final showreel:

Showreel research

I really like her animation. Her showreel is not only a showreel for me, in this term i often watch her showreel again and again, many many times. This music and her animation make me feel relax when i am busy with my works. And at the same time, I really like her animation’s style. I hope i can try her style too. I like the animation’s colors just like her.

I really like the first part of the showreel.

How can she do this? I try to stop the video quickly and help me to screenshot. I think make the written words have animation is also i should learn and practice. I am not good at this part or i can even say, i still not care about this part. But i want to try some animation of the written words. I think this can make the film look more interesting. Because sometimes the titles also have interactions with the characters or scenes. That can make the film has rich animation


This part, the blue elephant run and jump, i can feel the speed from the animation. I find the elephant has a different position in different time, and it gives a new feelings for the audience.@LT8S[[2VJ{7(F50UYW9S}8.png

The elephant i think is big—-small—-big—-small, the land is small—-big—-small———–big. Really interesting animation. That gives a really amazing speed feeling.


This part is also very good. She is really good at the space and characters’ moving and transition. Almost all the animation in this showreel has animation of space and characters’ moving and transition. Really amazing. I will try to practice more.


Sound effects and the film be finished!!!!!


These sound effects are all i download from the Internet. I searched them at the same time i put them on the PR. This can save much time and improve the efficiency.



And i added the name on the end of films. I finally finished it!!!!!!!!!!!

Cat City

I have to say this animation’s music is really crazy. And because of this, i feel the animation is also crazy. This film’s style is really beautiful. Not only this. This film has a good camera shoot. Each scene’s change has a fast speed. This speed of camera make the plot feel compact. I think the animator of this film is really good at clipping videos. I am not good at this. This part i think is course of Montage. I watched it again, WOW, a really good speed of scenes change. And the animator designed many uncommon view in the film.


Look at the Compositions of pictures, really amazing and they give people a feelings of pressure. Just follow the topic of this film i think. I think this film talks about a cat was away from home, and worked by itself in the city. At first, without families it was happy, but with the boring and repeated lives in the city everyday. It began tired and had no power to work. In the end, it chosen to leave home.So the fast music and fast speed of camera are really suitable for the busy city life and the cat’s anxious inner.

Make the film’s colors look better


To make the film looks better, i added 6 styles of materials on the animation and make them change and change, I colored them into warm yellow. This can rich the animation and make the colors look better.

This is Before and After:

I think the after be better.


Because there are two angles appeared in my film, and i do not know how to draw angles. So i searched their pictures on the internet.

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