The process of film


I only changed the grandfather’s eyes here to show grandfather closed his eyes slowly.


I add this part to show grandfather is peaceful and quite. Previously, there are no angles, Amber gave me the advice, maybe i can draw two angles. But i said to Amber: i didn’t know how to draw angles. Amber said to me: Do you know the angles which hanging on the Christmas trees. I said: Oh i got you!


Also to save time, so i only drawn the actions of the finger to show the grandfather go for a travel, because only use the plane to show this part will be boring.


The plan’s part, i also try to do not used black lines. The clouds i changed for many times, finally get what i want. Because i want to save time, so i make the plane stop and only drawn the moving clouds and mountains(lands).


This part i try to make the little boy has interaction with the last scene’s plane. So i draw the shadow of plane on the little boy’s face.


I drawn this part to show the little boy is sad, because he didn’t know where is grandfather. I think about it long time and decide to draw a globe to show the plot.


This part i want to show the twins are copy. To save time of drawing, so i drawn like this.


Because the voice is loner than the animation of the twins’ dialogues, so i add this.




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