A disaster———kill my next days’ sleep and helpful Nathan’s new voice over and many new things

Big Pete watched all my works, and gave me some feedback. He thought small Pete’s voice is not good, after listening to the parts of Nathan’s voice. And he insisted on i should change my voice. It is really embarrassed for me. Because Pete also here, i even can see his white fave turned into red after he listening to these words. And at the same time, Nathan was also busy with his graduation works. So you know… But Nathan agreed to be my voice after he listening to my words. And, Pete looked also can not understand my film. My friends also can not understand my film. So i decided to write a new voice over————the little boy kept talking the story.

I wrote my new voice over, my talented friend Amber help me to read it again and add some more interesting details and plots.

A big photo for Nathan Carters.


He and his friend Dec Holgate recorded voice for my film for about 2 hours, really thankful.

This is the final voice over, all 3 pages need to be recorded.


I went home and began to arrange the voice again. I used this software to cut the voice. But this is my first time i used it. That night, i asked on the Internet with my friend Amber, Do you have any software can cut and edit sound?  She sent this software to me.


But i do not know how to use it, so i watched a course video on the Youtube. It can teach you how to use this software in 10 minutes.

This is its link (but it is chinese):


This is all the files after i finishing the cutting.


But look!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nearly 3 minutes 40 seconds. My animation are 2 minutes 30 seconds now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i have to draw more animation for more than 1 minutes in the finally weeks before the deadline of graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can not sleep, i can not sleep, even i lie one the bed, i can’t go sleep.




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