Clipped small Pete’s voice, and change the character’s mouth

@QBD~V7]XL1[PKZP78)7FY1.pngSmall Pete recorded one word for many times maybe at least 7 times, he tried to use different tones and i can choose best of them at home. So the files are really big. And the format of the vice can not be pot in PR and TVP, so i firstly changed its format in
the Convert formatting software and cut some parts i needn’t need. I changed them into MP3 format.


After doing that i began to listen to each voice carefully and try to choose what i want in them, and clip them into one sentence to one sentence. That is a crazy heavy work… Because there are so many choice for me._`A8]ISP95AW@3MC_`{V9RY.png

I gave each sentence a number, it is convenient for me to name the video and change them if i want.


After all of that, I put the video into TVP, i can see  and hear the voice changing in TVP. So it is so convenient for me to change the month in TVP. But when i am tired to erase the mouths before, i thought next time, i will do not draw the mouth before i recording the voice.


I exported the video and named by the frame’s number. By the way, the TVP can not export the voice. It can but the voice’s quality will be so so so low, it is not good to hear. So i combine the voice and the videos in PR.



I am so happy, i think i am relax, i have finished my work.



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