My poster

At first, when i thought about my poster of film, I thought i should make the little look lonely and he hold the stone lonely. The stone began to shine and show his little face in the darkness. The people who did not believe him stay away from him just show their feet and shadow. So the left poster is my first try of my film’s poster.

I began to draw the right one was because when i took my left poster to show my friend Cecilia, she asked me a question: why the light is not Symmetrical. The light the left edge is not the same high with the right edge. So i draw the right one poster. Anything look Symmetrical in that poster and i add more words to make the name be Eye-catching. But after watching it, my friend Cecilia and Amber all thought the first poster was better. OMG, i wasted much time…

But when i gave my first poster to big Pete, he looked do not satisfied with it and he said maybe i should change the feet into all people’s face. All characters’ face on the poster will be better. So…i have to draw from beginning. Because i think this style is not suitable for all the face in the dark.


I drawn the final poster. The above is it. The following is the process of drawing it.


I drawn a circle which indicates the stone and write all the words into this circle, and make all the characters around the circle. I drawn it on SAI. The above two posters were drawn on PS, because my PS was really easy to stop work that time, so i used SAI to instead. And i used a material effects on SAI, to make the poster looks like made of cloth. After i finishing it, Cecilia, Amber, Pete were satisfied with it. Finally, the poster can pass, next work!!!!


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