The process of film


This part is the transition between two scenes. I also use the lines to show the changing. The next scene is the car’s overlooking. I want to make the camera has many different views of the car’s running. At first, i only draw the car’s running without the trees monsters. I add a action changing of the car to make the action be more interesting. I want to show the car billow out much tail gas. The body of the car be changed because of the tail gas. But i think the picture is too monotonous.  So i add some trees to make interations. When the tail gas be bigger, they begin to appear. When the tail gas be smaller, they begin to disappear. I use the messy lines to draw the trees, because i want to give a different feeling to the tree monster.


The next part I want to show the car passing the  cemeteries. I keep the style of the tree ———— using messy, optional lines. I want to create a feeling of dead trees.II add a owl, i want to make the film has a magic feeling. I make the owl rotate its head for 360 degrees. I have researched it. The owls can do this. I draw a terrible face on the tree to give a terrible feeling. I hope what i drawing in this picture can make the science has a great atmosphere.



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