combine sounds and pictures

Animation for The School of Life based on a short piece of writing by Alain de Botton.
Co-directed by Lara Lee & Hannah Jacobs
Narration by Alain de Botton

Animation for The School of Life based on a short piece of writing by Alain de Botton.Co-directed by Lara Lee & Hannah Jacobs
Narration by Anna Martine
Big help on sound design from Kerry Leatham

These two videos directed by two same people, i like this way of talking something. One people keep talking and the work has some sounds. They are not too long, the time are around 2 minutes. The human’s voice are peaceful and the sounds are really good. Sometimes, even you do not draw anything. For example:


This part you can hear bird’s sound, but there is no birds in the pictures. With the birds’ sound, this helps this part be more like life and more interesting. There are many this kind of examples in their works. If I am a teacher, i must open a class for my student. I will ask my students to try to put different sounds on one pictures or one simple and short video. This also needs rich imagination. Use ears to make the pictures more rich. I think if you control this skill, you will good at create the atmosphere which you want to create and to make some normal actions to have a funny feeling. I will watch them again.  I found some advertisements are also use sounds very good, when i was waiting for the videos on the Youtube. But i don’t know its name and never see those advertisements again on the Youtube. Their sounds also have good imagination, and have a good and fast speed of the plot which they want to show. I think this is a good thing one good video should have———a good and fast speed. Because we are enjoying the fast speed of information now. So using the imagination of sounds can save time and  pictures of the film and at the same time it can give the audiences a enough room to imagine. I will strengthen this skill, i hope i can do better.


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