process of film

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This part talks about there are strange things everywhere in the grandfather’s house. So i drawn some moving things on the wall  I using many times in this part, because each pictures on the wall, i have to drawn its actions. So that means i drawn many moving things in these seconds. But after drawing, i think i get what i want. I consider about what are strange things in the hospital and at the same time they are on the wall. I think that will be organs. so the most of things i drawn were organs: eye, heart, foot, head, finger and intestine. I also add the picture of doctors. Because this hospital is mental hospital, so i want to make the doctor’s moving picture be crazy.

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This part i want to make a plot to show the father also like the little boy’s mother, he can not understand the little boy. So i drawn one hand which comes from the wall trick the little. When the little boy shout for help, the father come out and said:’What are you talking about?’ the voice should be angry.Because drawing the pictures on the wall will waste me much time, so i try to make them disappear at the same time, this can help the audience focus on the little boy and his father.

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The part talks about the little boy meet his grandpa, he is so happy. And they talk to each other. This part is not difficult.

Make your work to be ironic

This animation named Less Than Human has a strong taste of irony. The plot be continued by one reporter and his assistant who holding the video camera.  This way can be easy find in the films. I think it is another way of the first angle of view. I often see this way in the horrible films,  disaster films, science fiction films, of course the news also. This is the most public interview in the news. Because of this, when people use this way to talk their story, this can make the story be more realistic and reliable. Sometimes people will be affected unconsciously by the way of the story be talked. I think this is Psychological suggestion. Come back to the plot again. The reporter and his assistant is reporting the news of they want to take some new actions to the zombies. Because some days ago, one man be attracted. And they are standing the crime scene now. And One friendly zombie open the door and invite them to sit in the room . His roommate comes out, and he want to come back his original life—— human’s life. The reporter shows scared feelings all time during this record, even the zombies are not bad. When the big roommate be angry, the reporter flees away. When he comes back he does not care about the zombies’ touching scene—– one zombie is playing harmonica for another.

In the video, we can find the reporter ignore many things which is friendly and peaceful in these two zombies’ lives. He is reporting based on his emotions. By the way, if you are  people you will have emotions. So the reporter is everyone, you and me. This setting can make the audience feel more about the unfair between human and zombies. By the way i think the reporter should be instead of robots, because the career of reporters’ business is dangerous and will be affected by the emotions. And the public like me, the only way we touch the outside world all comes from information. How can i sure the news which reported by the television is not fake. Because in the end, even we think the zombies are friendly, the reporter also keeps his negative attitude and said the video will show everything.

I often try to get the story like this, but… i have no idea to show the irony. I think the people who wants to show the irony should be humorous. I am not humorous. So i think i should develop my silks of humor.



An interesting short film

This short film based on the way of interview. Many variety shows also based on this way of interview. And the American television series which named Modern Family also uses this way to make the plot be continuing and make the plots more interesting.

This film talks about: One family is owning a dragon and keep it like a dog. The film gives the different bad conditions which they are facing. Just like it is normal to own a dragon in the film. And it gives a really interesting plots and details. I think this series ‘If we have…’ will be interesting and can show the rich imagination.

Maybe they want to save money, so the dragon only appear in the end —– the final seconds. But this helps people have more room to imagine. I think if in the end, the dragon only can be shot the legs, that will be better. Because the beginning plot make me feel the dragon is really big and powerful.

I really like the part of the father walk with the dragon in the park. The father be pulled up and said ‘…Bad boy…’ Just like he said to a dog.

The process of fim

I really like this part of my film, especially from the above left picture to the right picture. I want to use only one camera to shoot this part. So this requires me to draw many pictures of the space changing and moving. But this process is not difficult for me, and even i really enjoy the process of drawing the space changing and moving one picture by one picture.

Why i want to only use one camera to shoot so long process, that’s because one camera can make the plot be fluent and looks like accelerating speed. This part is focus on the long long long long way before the little arriving the house, so i think use one camera will be better to show the plot. 1516-2000.gif


fire drawings

In my film, i have a plot need to draw ghost fire, when the monster’s big face is appearing. But i find i am not good at it. Drawing fire is not as easy as i think. Fire is nature, it doesn’t have a changeless shape, it changes each seconds. For me, i do not like fire, because it is really dangerous. But if in the winter, when i am cold, i will like it, i will get closed to it to make me warm.

In the animation, because the plot and the style of the animation, fire can be normal, horrible, cute, magic, angry, sad and so on. Because there are so many differences between fire and fire. I think i have necessity to research fire’s action.

The most unforgettable fire for me comesu=576278060,528698338&fm=23&gp=0.jpg

from Howl’s Moving Castle which directed by

Hayao Miyazaki. Hayao Miyazaki is one of my favourate animators. The fire in this film i think like a protector or housekeeper. The fire is a devil but a kind and easygoing devil. The fire here is more cute. it has fire’s body and rich, cute emotions. I think give fire a certain life is also the way to draw fire. The fire here is not a scene in the film, it is a character.

The fire here is really different from what i think in the normal animation. it has a black main body, the color is really different from others. And the animator use the little things which moving in the black body to show the fire’s power. At the same time the main black body also have fire’s moving. And the main fire is sharp like a mountain, but what inside is more soft and unshaped. This can make people accept easily this is a fire even it is a really new different style. I really like this design. It make the fire has more different feelings.

The fire here more like a magic fire. Because the style of the character, the fire also has different design——-it has grain. The grain makes the fire be inflexible but the animator try to make the fire’s outline have more changes. It makes the fire have life and at the same time be characteristic.

This is a normal fire’s feeling in the animation. This is also beautiful, the colors have changes from the bottom to the top . The fire also have it three layers i think. The inner fire, the middle fire and the outside fire. So you should have changes not only from bottom to top,  but also from inner to outside. Really need time to research it.


The process of film

I have to change color way! No more time for me to color like before!!I have to use a new way to color my film, because the color way before really waste my time. Mario gave me advice before—————he thought my way of colors is beautiful but will be slow, that day, i said: i will try my best to finish. But now, i have to recognize the facts. The paint bucket will be best, it can save much time on colors.

So i recolor them, The following is what i colored recently.

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This short film is really good. After watching this film, you will begin to think about something. And i really like this style of talking a story, i mean, say something happen in the childhood. For example, when i was a baby …… i really like the plot of the girl’s memory of her childhood. She gives 3 examples of her childhood, birth, birthday, watch drama to show because her difference, people stay away from her and she can not get care.


I only screen shoot 3 pictures, it is easy to find the film’s pictures  are really beautiful. The main colors are blue, red, yellow, black and white. The animator’s compositions are beautiful and can create a feeling which she want to create.


And, not only the plot, the pictures and sound but also the changes of actions and scenes are really good. The speed of the plot is also good. I have nothing to talk more, and i only have a feeling of powerless. When can i be like her? How can i be like her? Now, the word ‘her’ is not a certain person, but a level of film.

The progress of film


I draw a close-up of the wheel of the car. I want to add give cameras many changes. I want to draw the wheel passing a pool and the water be splashed. The water be splashed can help the film has much more dynamic feelings. I use a footprint to be the pool’s shape. I hope it can have a feeling of mystery.


I think snakes are really beautiful. I really like snakes’ colors and eyes and skin. But i am also afraid of them, because some of them are dangerous. The snake itself has a really amazing feeling for the people. So I add the snake here. I design the snake open its mouth just like the tunnel. The car running out from the snake mouth, giving a different, dangerous, mysterious feeling of this visit. 8F4FRLX741GRM%)P[1X8P1F.pngI only draw some of the snake’s scale, because i want to make the decorative patterns somewhere has, somewhere doesn’t have. It can give the pattern a different feeling.

Late Night Work Club

M]ALU]`XN)PTQ6~ES4DEWHA.pngThey make short films and there are 21 members in this club now. As you can seen from the above picture, this is an organization for  indie animators. Ha, Ha, but i think they should be healthier. I mean ‘stay up late with us’ can change into ‘we have the same time difference, have fun with us’, like this. Ha, Ha.



In this club’s website i find this video, which was popular on the micro-blogs. This video, in fact i don’t like the character, because the man without any hair and clothes. And his eyes just like keep watching me. And the slow speed of it make me impatient and a little scared, just like there will have a terrible changes in somewhere. But, it’s not.  Instead of that, it’s slow speed makes audience be relax. I think it is really suitable to be iphone’s SIRI.

This video’s theme is ghost stories. It consists of many different short films. For me, Er…Er… they are not horrible, but, their drawings are nice. Some stories i really like.

The first story is : one girl be gave a motorcycle, and died because she didn’t concentrate when she was driving. The most unforgettable is the film show the girls’ view. So when she was concentrate, the audience also see her view of concentrate. And our view be shaped as the helmet.

The second story is: one girl because of his boyfriend, she lost her one hand. Also, because of driving motorcycle. By the way, write here, i have to say, you can find, riding motorcycle is really dangerous. Ha, Ha.  So the boy has a strong sense of guilt of her girlfriend’s hand. The hand always want to hurt the boy. In the end, the boy begin to accept this and take care of his girlfriend by playing piano with her.——- Be her another hand.


The process of film


This part is the transition between two scenes. I also use the lines to show the changing. The next scene is the car’s overlooking. I want to make the camera has many different views of the car’s running. At first, i only draw the car’s running without the trees monsters. I add a action changing of the car to make the action be more interesting. I want to show the car billow out much tail gas. The body of the car be changed because of the tail gas. But i think the picture is too monotonous.  So i add some trees to make interations. When the tail gas be bigger, they begin to appear. When the tail gas be smaller, they begin to disappear. I use the messy lines to draw the trees, because i want to give a different feeling to the tree monster.


The next part I want to show the car passing the  cemeteries. I keep the style of the tree ———— using messy, optional lines. I want to create a feeling of dead trees.II add a owl, i want to make the film has a magic feeling. I make the owl rotate its head for 360 degrees. I have researched it. The owls can do this. I draw a terrible face on the tree to give a terrible feeling. I hope what i drawing in this picture can make the science has a great atmosphere.


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