Think about the plot again

Because i am boring, i mean i want to watch something not draw something. So i begin to search some interesting short films.

There are 4 short films i want to talk about. 1:Fallen Art 2004. 2:EI Empleo

After watching them, i begin to think, think about many many things. They make me to be peaceful and begin to think slowly. I have a little feeling of shame, i think my film which i am drawing now, maybe it doesn’t have a enough meaningful theme or a surprising ending. So i use a pen to write some words. I try to catch some important ideas from my head, and put them on the paper. After i find plan A, plan B, plan C, I find if you want to make your work better, you will change it endlessly . But i have the deadline, even in the future, my job or life will have time limits in different periods. So I change some small parts of my plot, and try to make the plot to be clear and rich. It is not a easy thing for me, beacuse it is only 3 minutes and i have to show one story clearly.

Now, the following 4 guys are the films which result in my hesitation.

Fallen Art 2004

This short film has a clear relationship between each characters. They just like the different parts of the machine, one people finishes one step and give it to the next person, and they become a circle— a funny lives circle. The soldiers’ death become one person’s creation of dancing film. One death is one frame. When the pictures change, the music of this dancing film appears. The blood likes flowers under them. I think after that cruel people stops dancing, his tears fall down from his eyes, but that is crocodile tears. The circle is not be stopped.

I think the film want to say something about the war. The first thing is war just like one person’s entertainment. The second thing is many people die for the honor, but the honor just for they having courage to face death. Final thing i think is even maybe they know what’s role they are playing in this circle, no one change their behaviors. Only need just one person, one person to say ‘No’ or do something differently, the circle will be changed. However, they all behave like robots. And they are used to doing these thing.

So after watching this film, i begin to watch it again and again, i want to find something the author want to tell me. Something in the film i still don’t understand. For example, why there is a frog? And why there is a clarinet on the desk?

If the film make you to think, it is a good film.

EI Empleo

I have to say that i have watched this film before. But i can’t understand the feeling of the film at that time. I am confused. Maybe i am too young. But now i can understand every people is the tool in the society. people do the different thing day and day, they are numb. What they do can’t make them happy.

After the subtitle, one person try to give up his role.


But the author don’t give the ending of him. So the ending is unsure.

These two films use his plot make people to associate with the real world around us. Make people begin to think about the things around us. They never say directly.

I think i should make my film like them, give the audience enough room to think. So i write a clear plot tree. It is a draft. I use chinese, because it is convenient for me to see, when i draw the plot.IMG_9843.jpg



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