Beautiful scene’s design by Shinji Tsuchimochi

I have to say i am not good at scene’s drawing. Write research is like a way of study by myself. So i think i should have a research on the scenes. I find a Illustrator, he is really good at drawing scenes. He likes put some interesting animal characters in his paintings. He is a Japanese, so most of his scenes have a style of Japanese buildings.UOZ78%W)X07N0V)VS9)8RP9.png

This is his Facebook’s link:

Because he has many paintings, i will only choose some pictures i like best to say my feelings. I know it is not easy thing to choose which ones i like best in these beautiful paintings.

(00_6{Y9XQS(KPAH7_ZFLIVI really like the design———– animals in the scenes. That makes the film be more cartoon. If the these scenes do not have these cute animals, that will lose many entertainment.

DO[VKW8{3XQ3QUJ03O3IH{H  18}P[XDL45A}OUFORS$GI8BVXO[7]`DEVY0%@R9@8%4RZMThese three animal characters in the scenes are                                                                                                                 really interesting and cute.


After watching his scenes paintings, i learn many things.

First, add some animals and persons to make your scenes have much more energy of lives.

Second, the color can be simple but instead of that, you should have some decoration lines like these:Y`}R`NKL3XGV0I`BC)184_8.pngADABOK1ZAE1YF~ZC3L_S~04.pngOZD]IKKBH(CM04L`GH6)W)9.png

Third: pay attention to the composition. I think a good composition can give a really big improvement of scenes design.



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