how to be more horrible

I saw a lot of people in the video site to play this horror game, I am relatively timid, is certainly afraid to play, but I have seen the main screen played. This game uses the camera to give players a real feeling while allowing people to predict terror, which is even more frightening! For example, if you don’t know when you are going to die, even if you die suddenly, the day before, maybe even the time before you will spend the normal. What if I told you you’d die tomorrow? Most people will be very panic, very afraid. This is the same reason, the game through the camera to tell you there are strange toys, and will suddenly disappear, transfer position. Even more terrible is not knowing when, but it is approaching you.

I want to create a terrible anime, I think this is a good inspiration.

Fears of dark

This is a very impressive cartoon, animation created by several animators, similar to the short film collection. Each of the painting style I like very much, are very distinctive. Most of them are black and white ash.

What impressed me most is a man trapped in the snow in a house story.9iulzs3bco30l_5a0tfh

This film is just using black and white, the picture processing is quite good. It’s not a line, using the local light display characters or objects and scenes. Not only eliminates the need for a large area of characters and scene painting work, and let the picture and light with great. Of course, this also shows that the painter’s painting base is very powerful, sound is also good.


The above screenshot, probably because it is still you won’t find the bottom right corner of the rectangle is good use, with sound, with the deformation of rectangular and rolling, let a person do not guess this is a bottle of wine in rolling. Because there’s a rectangular label on the bottle.Because everyone lives in this world, everyone contact things although each have different, but there are many same. So psychological hint, and the use of the dark, can make the terror more enlarge. When you are afraid you saw a sharp knife, when you feel the darkness around the animation role quiet, you can also be used to plot.This film several times are black, I even convert the head angle, because I thought it was because of the computer screen so not only sound reflective screen. But I immediately realized it was a dark picture, so nothing. One of the great assistants of terror is sound. When someone covers your eyes, your ears will become more sensitive and sensitive, and you will become more afraid.

This reminds me of a horror story, in general is a girl was killed by a man, the man is afraid that she died after becoming a ghost to find him, her eyes also blind. Kill the female people can see and hear the ghost. The man escaped the law, and fear of female to avenge him. Just in case and the whole of the content, change of voice. Again on the train, far away to see the blind man ghost car again, he can’t car.Because the ghost is blind, so that every passenger’s face with his tongue to recognize people, those passengers who don’t feel. But the killer saw it and was afraid. If the ghost lick their own dew, depression, although he is the whole of the content, and can not be found. The murderer closed his eyes, this time, he heard someone say XX stood, can get off. He happily opened my eyes to get off, the ghost stood before him and said, you find. Because the other passengers can not hear the voice of the ghost.


Uclan animation presents


wildseed studios—

In fact, I have to say that my English is not very good, so let me watch English movies or let me very difficult. So I was half guessing and half understood. So if I say what’s wrong don’t care.

The film was made by a camera machine, so the money is also spent very little, it is a very small cost of the film. I think the idea of shooting a story with a video camera is very interesting. This greatly tests the use of the director for the lens, how to convert lens.

The scene of the lens conversion I feel very natural, such as falling when the lens Liu site from the people’s eyes to the waist before the scene, carrying the racket to shoot the alien spacecraft appeared in the sky. Or sometimes in order to self record, the protagonist put the lens in front of. Or when a woman records others and wants to give an idea, she will pat others and turn to herself.This lens switch is very flexible, and naturally like water. For an alien invasion in this way, the hostess to flee this thing is not fake, is the genuine goods at a fair price. The story to a birthday gift to the last shot start, women desperate to put the camera out of the helicopter as the end.

I really like these colours

Full of tong qu illustration | free French illustrator Celine Deregnaucourt (turn)

I really like these colours. I don’t know why, these colours are different, but I can find they come from one drawer. The colours have autumn’s feeling, it thick and rich. And give me a fairy tales’ feeling.

Each picture has different sky’s colour, and different from the real world. But I can accept this natuely.

I want to try this feeling in my pictures.I hope I can do it, even though I am not good at colours.😀

Scenes & pictures of TV series

1.Because the soldier is hard working , he want to do his best to help his country. I draw this picture.


2. In the beginning, I want to design a square in the town center. And there must has a statue in the square. The  statue is this town’s hero. He just use a branch to fight with the enemies and finally protect the villagers. This statue is not only a hero, but a symbol of courage.


3. The cover of Mr W.  I find M’s shadow is W, so I make use of this point.封面-恢复的-恢复的.jpg

4. the soldier has many prices, but only about peace and work, he really wants to go into a war. So I design the price of peace and work for him.


5.Because Mr W is a brilliant scientist, he must has the photo of be awarding.


6.Mr w’s lab, many crazy things, filled with mysteries.

场景 实验室02.jpg

7. I  walked in the park, found a mother , her son and a dog. The tree near them is really interesting, different from other trees. The little boy stood on the tree’s low branch, the dog ran and jumped, the mother smiled. So warm in the winter~~ So I want to add it in my TV series. The old woman and the robot dog.

This is my first drawing, I think it is too colourful, not my style, so I change it into the second one.

树 (2).jpg


8.After the lessons , I find the trees, the colors of their leaves are really nice. I remind of Mr W, he is brilliant but lonely , I think this beauty is the most suitable for his house. So I draw these leaves outside Mr W’s house.  叶子.jpg


feedback of TV series and film.

First, the teacher think the robot dog has a twinned neck will be better.

Second, about episode synopsis, add a little more details. For example, Mr W make other things about old woman. But the old woman doesn’t like them until he make a dog and she likes it…

Third, the teacher asked me what’s the age of the film. I said that is for children. The teacher suggested to change some words. For example the dog shit can be dog poo or dog muck.


Final script of film

script-filmNormal Store (script)

















The moonlight went through the window and reflected a square aperture on the floor. The floor covered with a variety of magic toys, magic balls, a Harry Potter doll, a dried toad, a variety of small marbles and a magic book which has an exquisite cover.

The little boy used his hands to push away the sundries which are on the floor. He placed a simple production of wooden man carefully  in the moonlight on the floor. While he was waving a magic wand expectantly, his mouth was reading a magic incantation.

The little boy



Th little boy looked expectantly at the little wooden man, but it stood motionless. The boy’s face became disappointed gradually. The little boy heard a clear phone ringing outside his door, followed by hurried footsteps, .

The little boy was frightened and drilled into the quilt swiftly, he did not want to his parents find that he hadn’t slept yet.


Father walked to the phone, used his hands to rise the phone and  began to answer the phone. The photos were putting on the wall. There is father, mother, little boy,grand father, two friends A and B. one family photo, one friends photo. Father was answering the phone,at the same time he was touching grandfather’s face which is in the photo.




The outside of the window begin to thunder and rain. The phone be put down, father asked  mother to come down.






The room only was lighted by the faint moonlight. with the voice of opening the door, the door was opened gradually. It formed  a long and narrow beam of light on the floor.


(loudly, vexedly)


The little boy pretended to wake up just now.

The little boy




The little boy and his parents drove on the road. Along the road, there are many tall and strange trees, a lot of different owls. The owls cried.


Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

grandfather’s house revealed gradually, with the car getting close to the inner of the forest. The house was old which has some climbing plants on the walls of the house.

In the moonlight, the house felt like writhe, and smiled at the little boy.

The house


The little boy pressed his face against the window, his eyes became the reflection of the house.

The little boy

(make an amazing voice)


But the little boy’s parents seem to find nothing.



The bedroom’s door was open, so from the living room to the study room and the bedroom are attached. Living room filled with some weird paintings. There are many books and some jars of specimens in the study room. The grandfather’s bedroom filled with a lot of small things. The bed was hanging many glowing shiny decorations. There are many colourful pillows on the bed.

The hands of  parents took the boy’s hands from the living room through the study and reached the bedroom. The little boy was curious to look at the things in my grandfather’s room on all the way. His grandfather was lying down in bed. He Smiled to the little boy.


(weakly, mildly)


Parents’ hands guided the little boy to the grandfather. The little boy timidly looked back to his parents’ faces, and then he was shy to pulled the clothes. He stood in the front of his grandfather’s bed. Grandfather smiled and handed the little boy a stone.


Magic stone.

Then, the grandfather head tilted and closed his eyes. The little boy stared at the stone.  He touched the stone and began to cry loudly.

At the same time his parents were crying sadly.


The little boy put the stone on the floor, he was sad ,  he missed his grandfather, tears began to fall down, the stone shaking. The little boy was shocked and began happy. He thought this is a magic stone.



The light of the window from the day to the evening, the shadow and the color changed in the room.

Two friends are the twins A and B, they were sitting on the floor of the room. Their waists were straight. They looked interested. The little boy put the stone in front of his friends, and used his magic wand to read the spell.

The little boy

(loudly, confidently)


Two friends A and B were holding the chin, boring to watch. Dropped colourful water on the stone, friends A and B nearly fell asleep. The little boy had the ignition. The explosion made his friends wake up, they stared disappointed to find the stone without change. Two friends stood up and angrily pointed to the stone together.

Two friends A and B


it is just dog poo.

The little boy was sad.

Two friends kicked the stone one by one and thrown away it outside the window.

outside the window, it began to rain.

The little boy was angry about that.


The little boy ran into the garden and began to find the stone. He found the stone, his tears was falling down on the stone.

The little boy


I know you have magic

The stone began to shine and fly. There was a magic hole appearing. His grandfather was standing in the magic hole. He opened his arms. The little boy’s face was shocking.



Believe in magic, there will be magic. Welcome to magic world.The little boy smiled happily.


Episodes–TV series

The first story: the robot boy

The botany professor really want to change their lazy child, otherwise they do not want to admit the lazy boy is their child. They send their child to the Mr W, hope he can change him.  Mr W reform the little boy into a hardworking robot. His parents really happy. They hold a birthday party and invite many medias coming. They want  to show off their robot boy. But the robot  accidentally lose parts, act in a chaos. The parents think their child be a shame, so give up him and send the boy to the Mr W be a robot assistant.

The second story: lonely old woman

The old woman feel really lonely and want to have company. She go to find Mr W, Mr W give her a robot dog and the only requirement is the dog should go for a walk everyday to charge. Once, the old woman walk with thee robot dog, the dog meet a new robot dog. They become a good friend. Because of the new robot dog, the old woman meet an old man. Two old people become real friends.

The third story: the world’s most powerful monster

In an early morning, a unfamiliar man knock on the door of the W Mr.  He tell Mr W that he is an officer of neighboring countries. He want Mr W to help him creat one of the world’s most powerful combat monsters. W Mr for his quiet life, had to help him create the world’s most powerful monster and help him win the war. The monster do win the war, but  the monster is so hungry after , he eat all the soldiers and the officer.

The fourth story: endless money

Greedy businessman break into Mr W’s house, steal the money pot machine . The money pot can make endless money, it will be a big trouble. But Mr W is not worried about that.The greedy businessman uses the money to sign many business agreements. But the money become leaves next day. The man can not afford the heavy debt,choose to suicide.
The fifth story: the smart brain

The middle-aged person still study in the primary school and can not pass the exams, because he is not clever. He want to suicide, Mr W help save him and reform him. Mr W give him an additional smart brain. It really help him. But he passing by a square, many doves eat his brain.

The sixth story: Star
The famous movie star come to find Mr W. She use both of her property to beg Mr W give her an ageless face. Mr W agree  her requirement. But when the audience find the star will not be old, they begin to say the star is a monster. They don’t like her any more. She is abandoned by the audience.

The seventh story: robot parents

The orphan really want to have a whole family. Mr W create robot father and robot mother for him. The robot parents working late everyday and give the orphan may rules and homework. If little boy not follow them, they will be angry and prohibit him go out. The little boy don’t want to this family and choose flee away.





something  is different from your normal thinking

I watched this video many times, it is short and simple. But it really interesting, because of it’s idea. I always think the idea is the most important things. Because people’s standard always change. Even different people have different beauty standard. However most of people have the thing touched points. For example, one people said do not make up with your foreboyfriends or foregirlfriends, your ending will never change. Many people will give it thumbs up. Why because most of people have the same or familiar experiences, so they will have the same feedback or emotions to the same words or things.

We can make use of this, to make a good idea. For example this short animation. 

At first, i think most of audience will think this is a cute small girl who wearing a crocodile’s suit is eating the ice cream stick. But when the crocodile sneezes, audience find the girl is the food in it’s mouth.

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