

who read the above contents should know the teacher talked about the age to the series, but I insist that it is non children’s age, so when it occurred to aims draw such illustrations, I think the children play out like playing booger this action is very interesting.


Because the series protagonist is MR W, so long as the protagonist is all hope that he can play a little longer, so I drew this picture, but because the text is less, so I joined the cactus assistant, help with the opposition. Their expressions I refer to the following figure.

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This picture is for painting, no reason.


Because the next content is the role of the design and presentation, so I put the role of height chart in the role of the title of the place. But the middle one is empty and the characters are not colored, so it looks rather boring. I thought, the height line is just like the blinds, so make it a shutter.

images (4).jpg

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