cover+title page+directory


Cover: to tell the truth in the design book, I really have no idea of the cover. In fact, the protagonist of the series to take the name, I do not know what is called good, because my surname Wei, so I let the protagonist called Mr W. Accidentally, I found that M and W are all upside down, so I want to take W as in the shadow of M, and the R shape is like the people, so its reflection painted protagonist like, should be very interesting for the collocation of color, I also according to their own preferences to collocation. I hope to add a feeling of mystery. The gray lines were the sketches I drew at one time, and the black ones were later trimmed, and they were the subject matter and shadow. This complex feeling, here are some cover I tried.


Actually, I was thinking about the most complicated thing, and I spent a lot of time painting the background of those small tools. But I later think the picture is too spent, or simply a little better, so I still use the first of the first.


The title page: after all drew long gadgets, so even if the cover is not used, but also hope that their effort is not wasted, so it is used as a title, as for the MR W white head why, it is because I love to use the AI button vector, so the design of the white figure.As for the background gadget reference map is the following figure20111223155157.jpg下载.jpg下载.png



Directory: because my hero is a scientist, so everywhere about the experiment pictures, hope to get inspiration, then I saw this picture, it was really very love this feeling, as I mentioned before I love AI vector very buckle.}_UB)%Q`{C`7GYK3~B6DAPQ.png

So I drew a sketch of this picture.


Then according to this sketch, buckle the vector on the front of the catalog. Then insert the text, because the text itself is still quite a lot, and there are long dotted lines, so I thought, why not draw MR W mouth spit out the text of these directories. Combined with the identity of MR W scientists, while in order to enrich the screen, so I painted bacteria. Reference figure is below this.CJ3~{J@0D_{@MI(TRI7[W`B.png


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